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Home » Give Employee Recognition a Boost with These Four Clever Wall of Fame Display Ideas

Give Employee Recognition a Boost with These Four Clever Wall of Fame Display Ideas

Sep 25, 2022 | Articles

When you want to demonstrate appreciation for your hardworking team members, nothing beats a striking wall of fame display.

Placed prominently in the lobby, break room, or any highly visible location, an eye-catching wall of fame will attract attention and give your top performers the acknowledgment they deserve. The more appreciated your employees feel, the more likely they are to continue to devote extra effort on behalf of your business. Recognition displays offer an added benefit by encouraging every member of your staff to go the extra mile so they can join the ranks of these elite top performers.

Read on for four original wall of fame display solutions that publicly honor your employees for their valuable contributions.

1. Celebrate customer care that goes above and beyond.

Employees are the backbone of any company but when you’re in the business of public service, their role becomes even more important. As your company’s face to the world, these staff members hold the key to long-term success by delivering amazing customer experiences that encourage repeat business, drive referrals, and promote positive word of mouth. Your customizable wall of fame display can pay tribute to team members who exceed established service goals and consistently epitomize first-rate customer care.

2. Recognize unique abilities and special talents.

We all want to be appreciated as individuals. That’s why it is vitally important that people be recognized for who they are and not just for the jobs they perform. Put the bottom line aside for the moment and consider the remarkable uniqueness that lies within your team or organization. Take a meaningful approach to the corporate awards process and acknowledge your employees for their remarkable personality traits and amazing abilities. Each of these  individuals and their special contributions meld together to bolster your organization as a whole.

3. Applaud loyalty and dedication.

Finding the right employees can be a difficult task and in today’s business landscape, keeping them is even more challenging. If you have team members who have stuck with you through thick and thin, now is time to celebrate their dedication. Their loyalty deserves special recognition and why not to it publicly with an impressive ‘years of service’ award or display? Milestones, anniversaries, and key phases of the employee lifecycle can all be acknowledged. It’s a touching way to show your appreciation for those trusty team members who bring so much to your organization.

4. Showcase your organizational accomplishments.

There is no better way to tell the unique story of your company than by sharing its history, values, and special achievements. A corporate wall of fame display lets employees know the importance of their contributions and encourages an ongoing commitment to excellence. As an added benefit, it’s bound to impress your clients and visitors, too.

Why not brighten up your workplace with an exclusive space that’s dedicated to employee appreciation?

Recognition displays are highly effective tools for boosting engagement and productivity, so let’s get started. To learn more about a custom wall of fame for your place of business, contact the experts at Adler Display or call 855.552.3537.

About Adler Display: For over 85 years, Adler Display has been one of the best-kept secrets behind so many businesses looking their best. Designing and producing a wide variety of high-quality recognition displays, trade show displays, signage and exhibits, lobby and corporate interiors, and historical timelines, Adler’s expert team includes consultants, designers, project managers, and fabricators. Working from a 17,000-square-foot facility in Baltimore that includes a precision woodworking shop, Adler Display handles all printing, construction, and finishing on site. Learn how to achieve your imaging goals and make your business look amazing at: