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Home » Planning a Corporate Timeline Display? Make it Amazing by Asking Yourself These Six Questions

Planning a Corporate Timeline Display? Make it Amazing by Asking Yourself These Six Questions

Jun 2, 2023 | Articles

Masterful Storytelling is the Cornerstone of An Unforgettable Company and a Corporate Timeline Display Can Bring Your Tale to Life.

Sharing company history allows you to reinforce your brand, engage with your visitors, and inspire your team. One of the best ways to tell your story is through a timeline display or history wall. These displays provide an immersive at-a-glance overview of your company’s history and values. At Adler Display, our experts can help you to elevate your storytelling through impactful, custom designs that bring your organization’s unique brand story to life.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself when planning a corporate timeline display:

1. Who is our audience?

Knowing the answer will help you determine what to include in your corporate timeline, where, and how to display it. Remember that your lobby or reception area greets visitors and employees alike. It’s your chance to wow them. How might your visual display encourage teamwork or foster a sense of pride in the company’s accomplishments? Will your history wall be interactive? How will you attract your audience? What might they feel or learn from noticing your display?

2. What’s the story we want to tell?

Your corporate story has a beginning and a future. Create a document with a timeline of significant dates, people, and milestones. When was your organization founded? Who founded it and why? Which historical events have impacted your industry? How has your organization helped to shape history? Gather photographs, marketing graphics, and any documents that will help to enhance your storytelling. Consider including your mission and vision statements. Document amusing stories, company lore, and exciting facts related to your business or industry to add personality and context to your timeline. Brainstorm with your team to get the creative juices flowing!

3. What shouldn’t be part of the story?

Is the company history lengthy? Remember that details matter but not every detail matters. Your display should consider its intended audience(s) and what you want to communicate to the audience(s). If an item on the timeline doesn’t enhance the story or reinforce your brand and company culture, it likely doesn’t need to be included. Do you need to include every award that your company has earned or only the top, most-recognized ones?

4. How might our story change?

A history wall tells your visitors, stakeholders, and employees not only your company’s history but also provides a glimpse into its future. Consider how your organization might evolve over the next year or decade. Think about and draw connections between your organization’s past and its future. What central idea did your company start with and how has it taken shape over time? Do you anticipate changes that will require switching out information panels? What else might you need to include? For example, do you need a movable company timeline wall that can be customized with magnetic strips and removable panels?

5. Which display format will work best for our needs and space?

Consider how and where your display will be used. Your presentation can be built with maximum durability in mind for long-term use. Trendier and more lightweight materials can be used for traveling exhibitions, such as tradeshows. Time and place are essential considerations. An example is that including multimedia elements in your visual business timeline will work well in a communal space but might be distracting in a key leader’s office. The amount of traffic or use of the location will influence which materials and finishes are best suited for your display.

6. What do we want our timeline wall to convey and how?

Finally, consider again what it is that you wish for your targeted audience(s) to learn from your timeline. Did you leave anything out? Is there a phrase or tagline that captures the essence of what you are trying to communicate? Will you be able to repurpose the copy and imagery for your collateral marketing materials? Careful planning will ensure that your timeline display content can be easily converted into a brochure or webpage or used in other outreach materials.

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Ready to take your corporate storytelling to the next level? Adler Display is here to turn your vision into a reality. Whether you want a bold, statement-making mural or a more traditional corporate timeline display, our experienced designers will help you communicate the essence of your business. Contact us today to get started!

About Adler Display: For over 85 years, Adler Display has been one of the best-kept secrets behind so many businesses looking their best. Designing and producing a wide variety of high-quality recognition displays, trade show displays, signage and exhibits, lobby and corporate interiors, and historical timelines, Adler’s expert team includes consultants, designers, project managers, and fabricators. Working from a 17,000-square-foot facility in Baltimore that includes a precision woodworking shop, Adler Display handles all printing, construction, and finishing on site. Learn how to achieve your imaging goals and make your business look amazing at: