In the heart of the Pennsylvania Wilds, The Wilds Sonshine Factory, known for its unique spirit distilled from cane and sunflower seeds, recently celebrated its official grand opening on August 25, 2023.
But the spotlight wasn’t solely on their innovative spirit; the heart of the event was unveiling the meticulously designed Agricultural & Visitors Center, an ambitious project designed, built, and installed by Adler Display.
Our work proudly showcases a beautiful blend of design and education. Native wood from the PA Wilds region was incorporated seamlessly, capturing the essence and respect for the region’s natural resources. The center featured interactive exhibits on the PA Wilds’ timber and forestry history, the significance of the region’s flowing waters, and a detailed exploration of agriculture. Interactive elements, from flip-door timber displays to rotating agricultural panels, ensured an engaging experience for visitors.
A special nod was given to the sunflower – the factory’s hallmark ingredient. Informative displays detailed its growth patterns, uses, and relationship with the PA region, complete with an interactive, life-sized sunflower panel. The center’s aim was clear: to highlight the three core natural resource industries—Timber, Water, and Agriculture—that have shaped the PA Wilds region.
Our commitment to creating an educational and interactive environment is evident in every corner of the Visitors Center. Our team enjoyed blending knowledge with design to provide guests with an enriching experience while enjoying Sonshine’s Spirits.