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Home » Time for a Signage Audit? The Telltale Signs and Six Steps to Take

Time for a Signage Audit? The Telltale Signs and Six Steps to Take

Mar 3, 2022 | Articles

Even the best signage needs a makeover now and then, and that’s why a signage audit is important. The bulbs burn out, the colors fade, and exposure to the elements causes damage. These declines in quality can quickly create negative impressions about your brand. Consumers may lose faith in your products or services and, even worse, they might tell others. Word of mouth can be a tremendous marketing tool but when it’s negative, it quickly erodes your precious brand reputation.

That’s why auditing your business signage on a regular basis is so crucial.

It’s a smart way to ensure that you continue to resonate with your target market and remain up to date with current rules and requirements.

Here are six indispensable guidelines for conducting an signage audit that effectively identifies any shortcomings in your company’s signage system.

1. Prepare to capture the details.

During the signage audit, you’ll want to list any items that need attention and include thorough descriptions for each of them. Taking pictures is a good way to record issues so that you can easily recall them later.

2. Start on the outside.

Are your exterior signs in good shape and easily read?  Do they correctly communicate the nature of your business? Make note of any signs that need to be repaired or replaced due to damage, fading, or obsolescence. Is any signage overrun by vegetation and in need of landscaping?  Be sure to check exterior signage at night as well as during the day to confirm that the lighting is functioning properly. 

3. Carefully inspect your interior signage.

View your signs from all angles to ensure that they are readable, in good working order, and properly placed. Are the wayfinding directions that the interior signs provide still accurate? Are the names and titles current? Are any signs in need of repair, replacement, or cleaning?

4. Keep branding in mind.

Have you recently updated your logo, typeface, or corporate colors? A firm’s brand identity should be consistent across all fronts but signage is often the last element to get an upgrade. If your products and/or services have changed, consider reflecting those transitions in your signs, as well.

5. Are you utilizing the space effectively?

Don’t focus solely on what signage you have—think about creative ways to enhance what may be missing, too. For example, custom mural graphics can instantly bring lackluster walls to life. Floor and ceiling graphics are two more examples of often-overlooked signage real estate that can be put to good use.

6. Don’t forget about compliance.

During your signage audit, ensure you are also adhering to the latest ADA requirements, OSHA regulations for safety signs, and current local codes.

When was the last time you refreshed your corporate signage? The experts at Adler Display are committed to creating effective visual communications solutions that build your brand. Count on us to keep your signage accurate, appealing, and in tip-top shape. For all of your design, repair, or replacement needs, please contact our team of experienced professionals.  

For over 85 years, Adler Display has been one of the best-kept secrets behind so many businesses looking their best. Designing and producing a wide variety of high-quality recognition displays, trade show displays, signage and exhibits, lobby and corporate interiors, and historical timelines, Adler’s expert team includes consultants, designers, project managers, and fabricators. Working from a 17,000-square-foot facility in Baltimore that includes a precision woodworking shop, Adler Display handles all printing, construction, and finishing on site. Learn how to achieve your imaging goals and make your business look amazing at: or call 855-552-3537.