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Home » Your Trade Show Event is Over. Here are 4 Tips When It’s Time to Follow Up.

Your Trade Show Event is Over. Here are 4 Tips When It’s Time to Follow Up.

May 26, 2016 | Articles

Exhibiting at a trade show requires a lot of work. Time, effort, and money are put into creating your booth, prepping personnel, and taking care of numerous details to ensure the show goes smoothly. It would be a shame to put in so much and then stop once the show is over. The key to capitalizing on your event and getting the most ROI from the trade show is to follow up with leads, visitors, and other show attendees in a timely manner.

Here are 4 tips to following up after your trade show event is over:

email marketing illustration
Your Trade Show Event is Over. Here are 4 Tips When It’s Time to Follow Up.
  1. Plan for post-show follow up before the show. Have your follow up campaign designed and ready to launch ahead of time. This way you can respond to leads immediately and not have to worry about starting from scratch when the show is over. This also keeps your business front and center in the visitor’s mind.
  2. Capture lead data. In order to follow up with visitors in a timely manner you must have a plan in place to capture lead data such as visitor’s name, company, phone number, email address, etc. Don’t wait until after the show to figure this part out. Take notes about booth visitors and their interests during the show to make follow-up even more effective by tailoring the message specifically to them.
  3. Craft the right message. Develop a strategy and plan for following up with attendees. This plan might include an email, phone call, or in-person visit if possible. Here are some additional tips for crafting the right message:
    • Include a picture of your booth to refresh their memory.
    • Reinforce the value proposition and key takeaways from your booth at the show.
    • Personalize the message as much as possible.
    • Provide links to supporting materials such as product demo videos, white papers, etc.
    • Ass ign leads to a sales person who will follow up by phone or email, in addition to the larger campaign.
  4. Measure Your Results. Recording your results from follow up efforts will help you track your trade show event ROI. Tracking ROI is helpful for many reasons including future trade show planning and budgeting. Make sure to reap all the benefits of exhibiting and maximize your ROI by having a follow up plan in place.

Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, Adler Display brings over 78 years of experience to its clients in need of recognition displays, lobby and corporate interiors, custom exhibits, historical timelines, trade show displays, and signage and graphics. For more information about Adler Display, please visit our website at or call us at: 855-552-3537.